Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Times are bad; the Big Crunch. It's a mad mad mad mad world...

"Love is blind, and greed insatiable"

Try to relax and enjoy the crisis. – Ashleigh Brilliant

"The world is burning in the fire of desire, in greed, arrogance and excessive ego."

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. -Albert Einstein

Times are bad. Children no longer obey their parents, and everyone is writing a book. – Cicero

Wat er gebeurd is, zal weer gebeuren en wat er gedaan is, zal weer gedaan worden; er is niets nieuws onder de zon. Men zegt wel: "Kijk dat is iets nieuws." Maar dan blijkt dat het er vroeger ook al was. Niemand denkt meer aan de mensen die voor ons geleefd hebben en ook aan de mensen die na ons komen, zal later niemand meer denken. - Prediker 1:9-11

Thank Heaven! The crisis / The danger is past, and the lingering illness, is over at last / , and the fever called "Living" is conquered at last. – Edgar Allen Poe

Dante once said that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in a period of moral crisis maintain their neutrality - JFK

An immoderate desire of riches is a poison lodged in the mind. It contaminates and destroys everything that was good in it. It is no sooner rooted there, than all virtue, all honesty, all natural affection, fly before the face of it. - Akhenaten

"And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all those that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of those that sold doves. And he said to them, It is written, 'My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves'." - Matthew 21.12-13.

Times are bad… What's this world coming to?

Right now we’re not just in the middle a global financial crisis. But perhaps an even more dangerous crisis we’re actually facing, is the world’s spiritual crisis, yes an existential crisis of humanity who have no meaning to their life. So many people, who have no sense of purpose and direction at all in life with religions not in a position to provide them with the right answers. It is the crisis of a society that worships at the temples of consumption, and that has isolated and often abandoned millions of consumers now trapped on a treadmill of debt. It is the crisis of a society that values the capital gains of the haute finance more highly than the rights of people to a home, or an education or health. It is the crisis of a society that idolises money above love, community, wellbeing and the sustainability of our planet.
It is these people who without any spiritual basis for their life, those who hold no moral and ethical code of life whatsoever and who in their recklessness and blind greed, delusion, stupidity and with their anti-social and irresponsible behaviour are guilty in the current financial crisis. So that basically involves most of us! Not only the head honchos with their undeserved bonuses i.e. the financial mafia, but also we, the money lenders who bought the houses and the cars which we simply couldn’t afford. Well of course deep down we all know that if it looks too good to be true, it probably is. But…
Perhaps the cosmic is teaching us a lesson here the hard way. A lesson that we urgently need and deserve in order to update our attitude and moral values.

Well now then do these funny Rosicrucians hold a cure for these ailments? Well, eh yes we do! We cure all ailments. After all we are Keepers of the Stone (lol). The Philosophers Stone i.e.

Just to give you an idea, have a look at the Positio Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis (AD 2001) to find out what the R+C have to tell about our economy.

Here's just two lines: "We think that the world economic situation is completely adrift" and "We feel that the reason for this is because the economy has become too speculative and feeds markets and interest that are more virtual than real".

Now does this mean we're at a dead-end, the end of capitalism as we know it?



"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know." - Ernest Hemingway

"Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence."-Aristotle

"Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think."- Dale Carnegie

All people seek happiness. This is without exception the motive of every action of every person. However, far too many do not ever find it. This is because most of them think that it exclusively depends on material welfare. Then another minority is convinced that it is only made possible by a life that is focused exclusively on spirituality. In reality, neither ways are quite correct, because happiness is a state of perfect balance between our material needs and our spiritual aspirations. So the best way for people to achieve this condition, is follow the path of mysticism, which can be defined as the study and application of the laws that unite man and his creator.

So as far as the human existential crisis is concerned you might try and make a Voyage to the land of the Rosicrucians, join the Sufis, the Martinists, follow the path of the Dalai lama, just to mention a few… This will most definitely help you improving considerably.


They all wanted to be Rosaecrucians: about Small Minds, Big Egos, Sects & Schisms i.e. the Path to Perdition!

De wet van eendracht tussen de Fratres & Sorores is drievoudig;
In al het essentiële de eenheid bewaren,
In minder relevante zaken elkaar de vrijheid laten,
In alles jegens elkaar liefde betuigen.

“The greatest among you will be your servant" (Mathew 23:11).

Le temps altère et efface la parole de l’homme, mais ce qui est confié au feu perdure indefiniment…

From a report in the Martinez_de_Pasqualys group:

Chers amis, Gérard Kloppel nous a quittés ce dimanche 5 octobre, emporté par une crise cardiaque. Né le 5 mars 1940, il aura marqué l'histoire moderne de Memphis-Misraïm, mais aussi, dans une moindre mesure, celle du martinisme, pour avoir été nommé grand maître mondial de l'Ordre martiniste initiatique, le 29 octobre 1984, en succession de Robert Ambelain. Ces dernières années, la vie n'avait pas été tendre pour cet homme de désir, calomnié, méprisé, exploité, et je garde pour ma part le souvenir d'un homme profondément blessé. Jelui rendrai prochainement l'hommage que je dois à sa mémoire. Puisse le Seigneur l'accueillir dans ses verts pâturages. - Serge Caillet

and a very rough translation (by an unknown messenger, which nevertheless gives a profound insight in this situation):

Gérard Kloppel passed to the Eternal Orient, on Sunday, October 5th, 2008 from a heart attack. He was born the 5th of March 1940. I was proud to know him personally and worked with him in Memphis-Mizraim, Martinism , Elus–Cohen and K R+C. He was a great alchemist and many the time I visited him when he lived just outside Paris. The last years of his life were very sad for him as he witnessed schism after schism "man hunt for profane titles".
Gérard I bid you farewell and thanks for the great memories.

I haven't known him nor ever met with Gérard Kloppel, yet I feel profoundly sorry for this brother. And the above mentioned situation, unfortunately must be quite familiar to most of us this small world of esoteric and secret orders.

So many forsee for themselves a great career in esoterism and when disappointed in their aspirations they turn their back on their own order and start fighting it as if their inheritance depended on it, discrediting it and or create their own order! Just like Kloppel I've seen this happening so many times.

On at least two occasions, dignitaries approached me to find out if I'd be interested of starting a new group here in The Netherlands or represent some schismatic organisation. Where at first it might seem appealing to be the Grandmaster of you name it... But it isn't as nearly as funny as it might seem. This I rapidly noticed when I was the Master of a Pronaos. Felt honoured of course when asked, however... I had to prepare the monthly study/monograph or select one, perform the ritual, the only part I liked. For starters, it is much more pleasant to sit in the temple and participate in the exercises etc, than conduct the ritual. But short of younger and willing members, I also had to write and print the bulletin, pick up the older members and bring them back home etc.etc.

Though some are still among my best friends, you also have to deal with some members, you woulnd't normally befriend and after six months, I just had, since I'd promised to do so, force myself to bring this all to a good end. Next the officer receives a nice diploma from the GM and that's it...

And the GM? Well the GM's in the the same but quadrupled. No person in his sound mind would strive a for such a position. Since the Master is and always should be the biggest server. The title of Supérieur Inconnu in Martinism, which I see preferably translated as Serviteur Inconnu already indicates this.
“The greatest among you will be your servant" (Mathew 23:11).

Being a serviteur inconnu is something really difficult and many people are just not able to puit their big egos aside for the continuation of the Great Work and their Order. And yet that's what needed, people who can make a sacrifice!

We in AMORC have had our fair share of schisms. Because of the Stewart Affair AMORC split into the Ancient Rosae Crucis and the Confraternity of the Rose Cross. Where this was a traumatic experience for most AMORC members, the most harm is often locally done on a smaller scale in the pronaoi and chapters. I've seen them come and go because of petty disagreements and mainly big egos of their pathetic little masters.

Is it wrong to criticize your order? Of course not. I myself have always been a very critical member. But remember an order is never responsible for the irresponsible behaviour of individual members. Ty to avoid factions nor follow the Master as if a guru, who's just as human or inhuman as the average human being...

ADONIS, tué par le sanglier.
OSIRIS, tué par Typhon.
PYTHAGORE, proscrit.
ORPHEE, mis en pièces par les Bacchantes.
MOISE, abandonné dans les cavernes du Mont Nébo.
HIRAM, massacré par des bandits.
SAINT JEAN, décapité.
JESUS, crucifié.
JAQUES MOLAY, brûlé sur le bûcher.
AGRIPPA, mourant dans un dénuement absolu.
Eliphas Lévi, SAINT-YVES D’ALVEYDRE et des centaines d’ autres martyrs ignorés de la Science Royale et Sacerdotale, dont les Lois sont inexorables.

Très:. cher:. frère:. Kloppel




A Week in the Life of Christian Rosencreutz; the Rosicrucian Alchemical Path.

Zo broeder Rozenkruis, ook gij hier!?

Dit alles vloeit te zamen en vormt een sfeer of bol, welks delen alle even ver van het middelpunt verwijderd zijn.

"Jesus said to them, When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside, and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the female one and the same, so that the male be not male, nor the female female... then you will enter the kingdom."

Er, Carlo Pietzner, schilderte ein Erlebnis. Er besuchte Montsegur, eine der letzten Stütspunkte der Katharer. Er traf dort eine Schulklasse an mit einem Lehrer, der den Schülern sagte, dass, befor die Katharer von dort in den Feuertot schritten, ein Schatz gerettet worden sei, mit dem sich zwei order drei der Katharer an der anderen Seite der Belagerer abseilten. Dieser Schatz sei ein Baby gewesen, welches dazu bestimmt war, ein grosser Menschheitsführer zu werden. Carlo Pietzner sah darin Christian Rosenkreutz

Arcana publicata vilescunt; et gratiam prophana amittunt.
Ergo, ne Margaritas obijce porcis, seu Asino substerne rosas.

An einem Abend vor dem Ostertag saß ich an einem Tisch und besprach mich meiner Gewohnheit nach mit meinem Schöpfer in meinem demütigen Gebet. Und dachte über viele große Geheimnisse, deren mich der Vater des Lichts, seine Majestät, nicht wenig hatte sehen lassen, nach.

Much has been said, written and speculated about the Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz, third part of the Rosicrucian Trilogy! Just about as much as the nebulous nature of the origins of Rosicrucianism itself.
Where some claim that CRC of the Fama and Confessio (who is btw not necessarily the same person as Rosenkreutz!) was the founder of Rosicrucianism, most scholars now are of the opinion that Christian Rosenkreutz, was just a mythical figure, a fictional hero and not a real character.
Though a considerable minority still maintains that Christian Rosenkreutz was the name of an avatar, a highly evolved adapt, and that Rosenkreutz was perhaps the last descendant of the Roesgen von Germelshausen tribe, a German family who flourished in the 13th century.
Their Castle stood in the Thuringian Forest on the Border of Hesse and they had embraced Albigensian (ie Cathar) doctrines, combining Gnostic and Christian beliefs. Some even believe that C.R.C. was the very treasure of the Cathars smuggled out of Montsegur, as a baby.

Well a third option is it’s both a real person and mythical figure! A kind of honorary title, for someone with a different mundane name such as Francis Bacon.
Without going any further into this controversy or expressing my own opinion I’ll move on to the Alchemical Wedding and will try to shed some light on it.

Though his role in the origin of the Rosicrucian legend is controversial Johann Valentin Andreae claims in his autobiography the Chymische Hochzeit "Chemical Wedding" as one of his works, which he allegedly wrote at the pristine age of 19 years. An astonishing accomplishment indead, to put it mildly! Later in life he backed off, denouncing his rosicrucianism and dismissing it all as a lidubrium! He tried to transfer it into something with a more widely accepted Christian nature, becoming a pietist theologian, probably scared by the developing anti-rosicrucian currents. Comenius was greatly disappointed about his attitude!

In his autobiography Vita Ab Ibso Conscripta, the Lutheran theologian Johann Valentin Andreae wrote: "In contrast (to my writings that perished), the Chemical Wedding survived, with its foetus fruitful of monsters, a fantasy, which you may wonder was evaluated and interpreted with subtle ingenuity by some people, foolishly enough, in demonstration of the inanity of the curious". Andreae claimed to have written it around 1605 when nineteen.

Interpreting, explaining, translating Die Chymische Hochzeit des Christian Rosencreutz, is just as easy as making predictions especially when they are about the future. Or trying to explain initiations and or dreams.
For those who insist on reading a more or less authorised interpretation, I’d recommend reading Jan van Rijckenborgh’s excellent comments.

Personally I’d like to suggest an entirely different approach here in order to decide upon what the Chemical Wedding actually is and how to assess it. So, therefore I won’t interpret the Chymische Hochzeitastrologically, esoterically and or numerologically. The name Christian Rosenkreutz is the symbolic designation for each candidate on the path of initiation; the equivalent of the Martinist Homme de Désir, Man of Desire on its way to become Le Nouvel Homme "the New Man"!
The Chymische Hochzeit Cristiani Rosencreutz anno 1459, contains the seven phases of the Path of Initiation. The path of the seeker for spiritual enlightenment. The quest for Illumination.
Nothing More, Nothing Less. It’s just that simple!

Now sit still, relax and focus on your breathing. Visualise that you are Christian Rosenkreutz! Assume, pretend being Christian Rosenkreutz. Walt, talk act like Rosenkreuz. It doesn’t matter if you’re 18 or 81. So now, you are Rosenkreuz and for 7 days, every day you carefully study one chapter.
By doing so it will become completely clear to you, what the intended meaning of the Alchemical Wedding is. This is also the only way to get to know it this secret, since it is a personal path, your personal initiation. This is what Christian Rosenkreuz is all about. You and me, we are all Rosenkreuz.
Thus it’s simple as it should be, like the Philosopher’s Stone, also very simple, though most people wouldn’t recognise it, not even if they’d sit on it. T.R.Y.

When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter the Kingdom.

Eques aurei Lapidis.
Anno. 1459.




The greatest tolerance in strictest independence;
the greatest understanding with absolute openness of spirit.

AMORC's Motto

I shall always be aware that traditionally and chronologically the Rosicrucian Order has always been a fraternal (non-sectarian) mystical organization. It must therefore be devoted to two fundamental pursuits: the enlightenment of man and the individual attainment of Peace Profound. - RML

Combien de gens ont passé leur vie à lire, à étudier seuls, et sont restés au-dessous de l'objet qu'ils étudient, faute de s'en entretenir.
- L.C. de Saint-Martin

Vertrek nergens heen, tenzij je hiervoor voldoende tijd hebt en tevens beschikt over de noodzakelijke middelen om je bestemming te bereiken. Weet dat er een verschil bestaat tussen de weg ‘kennen’ en de weg ‘bewandelen’.

WHY DO YOU BLOG? A question that's asked both in a nice way and in a way which often means "what on earth possesses to you to write for no money and, probably, no readers?".

I keep my blogs as a personal Rosicrucian Notebook for three simple reasons.
One: in order to defend the Rosicrucian Order against baseless and misleading accusations. Two: to preserve (the very long)Rosicrucian history as I see it for posterity. The accepted idea that it only originated 1604 - 1616 with the advent of the Manifestoes is simple not correct. This was merely the externalisation of the Rose Cross, because the time was deemed auspicious. Three: to fight the misconception of many researchers, that the Rose Cross can be fully researched and explained just by means of the known documents. But when you're talking about a secret society, please don't expect to find it all in the newspaper...
A clear distinction must be made between exoteric and esoteric history!

So to make a long story short my rosicrucian and templar weblogs are my personal Rosicrucian Notebook(s). I put them on the internet since easier to maintain and update then when just writing on a piece of paper. But in the end it's a personal diary not really intended for publication! I just allow the few fanatics who manage to find it to grasp a glimpse of my meditations.

As far as Rosicrucian history is concerned, the popular and established scientific opinion is that the Rosirucians more or less started about 1604 and with the publication of the Manifestoes.

"The documented history of Rosicrucianism reaches back no further than the early 1600s, and modern Rosicrucian organizations don't date back anywhere near that far."

All das bedeutet nun nicht, dass das Rosenkeuzertum erst um 1600 entstanden sei. Es besagt aber, dass wir ab diesem Zeitpunkt schriftliche Zeugnisse von bzw. über sie besitzen. Die Spekulationen über das "wahre" Alter der Rosenkreuzer gehen weiter und machen um 1600 nicht halt. – Dr. Wolfram Frietsch in Newtons Geheimnis.

It's just so easy and convenient to believe that, though it's far from being the truth. The rosicrucians are so much older i.m.h.o. Well, just read my Rosicrucian Chronicles if this should really interest you.

As far as baseless accusations is concerned and I've seen one or two in my life, by far the most ridiculous and grotesque accusation I've seen so far is Pierre Freeman's (if that's the real name)accusation that AMORC is a brainwashing cult and enslaving it's members by means of remote indoctrination (lol).

The Prisoner of San Jose, a memoir by Pierre S. Freeman, exposes the ancient mystical order of Rosæ Crucis, also known as AMORC, located in San Jose. AMORC recruited Freeman, a young engineering student in Haiti, and exposed him to twenty-four years of sustained indoctrination and mind control. Having no family or friends able to substantially help him, no exit psychologist, deprogrammer, or interventionist to guide him, Freeman methodically studied the cult experience, analyzing the mind control and hypnotic procedures that were affecting his life. The Prisoner of San Jose is about how Freeman deprograms himself and recovers the mental and emotional stability he lost twenty-four years earlier. Most importantly, the story is about hope, and how Freeman is finally able to reclaim the liberty of his own personality.

some of the author (Pierre S. Freeman)'s quotes

"Enslavement by a mind control cult".

“Remote Indoctrination".

"I never even dreamed that I could one day be a victim of mind control, hypnosis, or even brainwashing".

AMORC is neither a cult nor a sect, not by any standard. Period!
This can a.o. be easily determined by applying The Advanced Bonewits’ Cult Danger Evaluation Frame!

In the first place it is a common characteristic of sects that it’s supporters should break with their family and friends, with the ensuing and often all too familiar dramas.

In stead the Rosicrucian Order AMORC is asking its members to fully support their society and fulfil their duty as citizens. Moreover, we are of the opinion that the family is a gem, of which the harmony and unity must be kept at all cost.

In second place a sect is usually led by a guru, who has declared himself the supreme leader for life. For information purposes only, the leaders of AMORC are elected for a period of five years. At the end of that period their mandate may be extended, provided one considers that they have done their job well enough. Is that not the case then they will be replaced by man or woman considered being more able for the position.

The Grand Master title goes back to great antiquity and is part of the specific vocabularium used by initiatic orders. In AMORC this title is given to a person who is responsible for a jurisdiction and where he or she receives a mandate for a period of five years, and which can be renewed. Thus the title is a function and it does not necessarily mean that the person who fulfils it, is a perfect human being, who holds the supreme wisdom. Consequently the members don’t owe him/her absolute obedience and or veneration.

In the third place, the followers of a sect are almost without exception requested to donate large sums of their material possessions, usually required for financing the ostentatious lifestyle of the guru. The Rosicrucians only charge a modest fee for the written lessons of the Order to be received.

Finally, every sect tries to indoctrinate its followers among other things in order to ensure that they can no longer leave the sect. AMORC on the other hand, bases its philosophy on total personal freedom of thought and conscience and the development of the faculty of learning to think for themselves! Each Rosicrucian may therefore end its membership at any given time, without further ado and or any questioning. The only moral obligation is to return the monographs.

Consequently the Rosicrucians do not constitute a cult, either religious or otherwise. They constitute a fraternity of men and women.The members of the organisation are of every religious denomination, and are not asked to change their religious beliefs in any way.

In a sound scientific environment these things could be easily established among others by simply applying the definition of the words cult or sect.

It appears to me though that in real life the word cult or sect is more than often misused and applied to just about everything being not being part of the mainstream and or to the somewhat unconventional currents.

About his other claims, they are so totally ludicrous, absurd, unbelievable, preposterous... that I just wonder what's gotten into this poor man!?

I'm a socalled "Hierarchy" read longtime member. I've been through all the degrees. Finished the "plus" degrees and completed the "Beyond" degrees. So basically all there is was or ever has been.

I herewith do testify and solemny swear that never ever I've been controlled, brainwashed, pushed, indoctrinated, influenced whatever you name it by AMORC.

I freely and voluntary joined, wasn't recruited or anything, and guess what, it was my best decision ever!

We don't hassle former members!

From the moment of their affiliation, Rosicrucians are asked to become "walking question marks" and to regard their own conscience as their only master. AMORC's teachings are never imposed on the members.

We have no dogma. We don't tell you how to think. In anthropological terms, we're a voluntary association group!

So if AMORC was indeed remote indoctrinating and or controlling its members, then it should be clear by now, that Freeman wouldn't ever have written his silly book! (lol).

AMORC a pro-abortion cult!? Just gimme a break! No person of sound mind would ever give such an advice, or be pro. AMORC doesn't even take a stand here. Because, we feel that each individual, should be able to make his/her decisions here. We teach and learn people how to think for themselves...

His crazy writ is perhaps only parallelled by another and equally insane and unholy publication called Le Diable au XIX' Siecle. and which was an attack upon Freemasonry, and which came out in parts, illustrated with grotesque and repulsive engravings. The name on the title-page is Dr. Bataille a pseudonym of Leo Taxil, but it is stated in the British Museum Catalogue that the real authors were Gabriel Jogand-Pages and Charles Hacks.

Amor Omnia Vincit: Gnoothi seauton...

Perhaps one day to be continued...



Voyage to the Land of the Rosicrucians...

De Rozekruisers, bestaan die? Ben jij er een?...

God en de natuur zijn de twee polen waar de wereldbeschouwing van de Rozekruisers om draait, een opvatting die ook wel wordt aangeduid met Pansophie.

Overleg bij Uzelf, o mens en overweeg, waarvoor gij geschapen werd. Bepeins, welke Uw vermogens zijn, bepeins welke Uw behoeften en relaties zijn, zo zult ge de plichten van het leven leren kennen en geleid worden op al Uw wegen. - Aan U gun ik

Vertrek nergens heen, tenzij je hiervoor voldoende tijd hebt en tevens beschikt over de noodzakelijke middelen om je bestemming te bereiken. Weet dat er een verschil bestaat tussen de weg ‘kennen’ en de weg ‘bewandelen’.


Whenever people, who know me very well or just remotely (btw I'm very open about it, sticker on car, but no that's not necessary at all. May also keep it to yourself, private), ask me, what's this rosicrucianism all about, what the point of is is, if they should join it, what's the advantage of these odd fellows, I'm well, very reserved. Well if you absolutely must give it a try...
NO PROSTYLIZING! I'm discussing, not telling you how to be saved...

So if you've had the urge already for a very long, well could consider, if not better join the local football club in stead! Because this is just not for everybody!

Are there advantages to it. Well definitely! Absolutely! When I decided, aged 16, that I wanted to be one, it took me a while to find them. I found some very old books in the local library, was wondering if they still existed at all!?
Well we didn't yet have the Wibbly Wobbly Web in those days.

So I was thrilled that one day, I found an AMORC add in, of all places - my favourite car magazine, and while seeing the logo I instantly knew that this was just what I'd always been looking for. I joined them and never regretted it. It was the best decision of my life! Once a Rosicrucian always a Rosicrucian!

So what advise should I give? Well I just try to help those who're already pretty sure, who're already one but don't know it yet. Repeat NO PROSTYLIZING!

For those who are pretty sure, but not 100% sure yet I have a recommendation though: read a booklet called WORDS TO THE WISE A Practical Guide to the Esoteric Sciences by Manly P. Hall.

In his little jewel Hall gives the prerequisites for becoming a rosicrucian, martinist, sufi, you name it. This is one of the best occult books currently available to the earnest seekers of TRUTH, which is teaching a correct spiritual discernment.

Hall lists a number of qualifications you need when walking this path. Fourteen qualifications seven of which are dealing with character and seven achievements for the mundane life. The seven liberal arts!

The latter being the easiest. You must have some knowledge of maths, astronomy, philosophy, music/arts, social/political sciences, language, well the sort of things that every generalist should know.

The character, your character is the most important thing and you shoud hold a fair share of: integrity, discrimination, application, patience, moderation, right motives and relaxation. If you hold most the these qualifcations, well then OK give it a TRY.

So now you've become a rosicrucian. Well, no but you've joined an organization, so what are the greatest pittfalls: TIME and PEOPLE.
If you think you can join it for a couple of years, awaiting your instant illumination, be prepared for a major disappointment. If you have only two, three or five years? Make a cruise vacation, go to college, whatever... This is a life long commitment!

You'd ask people, why of all pittfalls people? Well and provided there's one near you, perhaps you could decide to join a Pronaos, Chaper, Lodge (no obligation to do so btw) and start meeting fellow rosicrucians, you're in for another disappointment. These perfect rosicrucians, illuminated masters whatever, often are just well just very ordinary people. Just common people on the path like you and me... so don't you ever confuse the people with the system. Don't mix'm up. The system's perfect, the members are NOT...

Madame Blavatsky (H.P.B.) was once asked what was the most important thing necessary in the study of theosophy, but can read rosicrucianism as well here. Her answer was: common sense - some scientists could also make good use of. When asked what she would place second, she replied: A sense of humour - which is also useful when studying the latest scientific theories. Asked what she would place third, Blavatsky replied: Oh just MORE common sense.

I couldn't agree more...

"The discovery of what is true, and the practice of that which is good, are the two most important objects of philosophy."
- Voltaire (1694-1778)


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